May 13, 2019

  • Uncool Prof

    I've been thinking recently about two of my math professors in college. One was extremely popular, witty, funny, young, energetic, (married), etc. Another was extremely unpopular, frumpy, elderly, awkward, (single), etc.
    CoolProf was in high demand from students and others. UncoolProf was avoided, and even mocked behind his back.
    While CoolProf had a great influence on me, I have been realizing over the years that UncoolProf also had a good influence on me.... and even more now in this period of my life than at that time. While his style of teaching was not flashy/witty/cool, his steady plodding, shaky whiteboard drawings, and grading taught me what I needed to know in those calculus courses.
    Furthermore, his persistence in faithfully teaching students within that Christian college environment has born good fruit. He set an example of teaching faithfully despite year-after-year unpopularity (and perhaps loneliness). I look back and see his life as a powerful testimony and example for my life. At the time it seemed that he was a loser (especially compared to the CoolProfs). In hindsight, his work bore good fruit and he will receive a far bigger reward directly from God than any earthly popularity could match.

(I use 'tags' and 'categories' almost interchangeably... see below)

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