
  • Obama vs Muhammad

    Former president Barack Obama contradicts Muhammad on the topic of female politicians - fascinating brief video.


  • Critical Race Theory

    Two good articles:
  • Nordic model

    The Nordic model to reducing sex trafficking... thought-provoking short video.


  • Isabella Chow

    Isabella Chow... what a great example of "speaking the truth in love".


  • Opportunity

    Great article by Adam Ford! https://www.christiandailyreporter.com/cdrticle-what-an-opportunity.html

    Full re-post:
    "In today's exceedingly polarized and angry political climate, what an opportunity we have as Christians.

    As warring factions fight in the streets, bombs are planted in mailboxes, poisons are mailed to government officials, rocks are chucked through office windows, racist robocalls are circulated, politicians and their families are chased from restaurants, and parts of cities fall to manic mobs, what an opportunity we have to season our convictions with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

    As social media and click-bait websites intoxicate the masses with fleeting dopamine hits as rewards for "owning" one's foes, what an opportunity we have to care deeply about policy and social issues not out of resentment or self-importance, but as a outgrowth of our love of neighbor and care for our fellow man's physical and eternal well-being.

    As political camps, drunk on ideology, proceed to hate, curse, and wish ill upon each other, what an opportunity we have to be willing to discuss our beliefs in a civil manner, attempting to persuade using reason, logic, and grace; firmly, yet with broken hearts and love in our eyes.

    As politicians and their armies on all sides will increasingly do or say anything -- anything -- to accrue power, what an opportunity we have to refuse to compromise truthfulness or bear false witness.

    As groupthink-fueled tribes and their echo chambers become more deeply entrenched, what an opportunity we have within the body of Christ to exhibit our dedication to each other as paramount by disagreeing with one another on politics with care and affection -- not as the world does, but as fellow members of the royal priesthood and siblings in God's eternal family, in a way that might manifest Christ's words in front of unbelievers: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

    As our culture increasingly worships politics, what an opportunity we have to show that our politics are subservient to -- and an overflow of -- our worship of the One True God and the life He has called us to live in Jesus Christ.

    These are unique and furious times, and you and I are not here by accident.

    What an opportunity we have."

  • Letter from Evin prison, Iran

    Letter from imprisoned Iranian Christian: https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/stories/iranian-christian-to-authorities-my-imprisonment-will-further-the-gospel/

    "Thanks be to God, who in His wonderful mercy calls us to a new life in Jesus Christ for a living and lasting hope; the Father of all things good, whose name is holy.

    It is written in His holy book:

    “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted” (Rom. 13: 1-2).

    My question to the authorities, judges and interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence, who are the eyes of the ruling authority in my country, is this: Would it be even possible for a committed Christian–who was born and raised in Iran and whose forefathers lived in this land for thousands of years, and who is a servant to the God who has called him to a ministry of reconciliation–to act against the national security of his own country?

    As the charges against me in my indictment state: “Action against national security through the establishment of house churches,” is the fellowship of a few Christian brothers and sisters in someone’s home, singing worship songs, reading the Bible and worshiping God acting against national security?

    Isn’t it a clear violation of civil and human rights, and an absolute injustice to receive a 10-year prison sentence just for organizing ‘house churches,’ which is a sanctuary sanctified as a place to praise and worship God due to closure of churches in Iran?

    But I praise God that He has turned all things into a blessing. Because, now it’s clear to all, including the prison authorities, judges, lawyers and my fellow prisoners, that I am in prison because of my faith in Jesus Christ. [My imprisonment] will serve to further advance the gospel.

    Therefore, first of all, I bless those who have persecuted me and put me in jail, and I hope one day the truths of His Word, which is able to build everyone up, will save them. Secondly, I thank God in perfect joy and peace for considering me worthy to be here because of my faith in and witness to Jesus Christ. I trust the Almighty God who is able to bring the dead to life, and I eagerly await His return. He can preserve me and keep me firm.

    I sincerely thank all my brothers and sisters in Christ who give me grace by helping me and offering prayers, which are like a pleasing fragrance to God. I continuously remember them in my prayers. I know because of their prayers and the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit I will be delivered and will not be put to shame.

    Servant of the Lord,
    Naser Navard
    Evin Prison, Iran

  • book reviews

    Here are some recent reviews.  For more, see this link: http://tim223.xanga.com/category/book-reviews/

    Spacecraft Earth, by Henry Richter and David Coppedge
    This book summarizes information from many different domains of science, related to how Earth is optimized for life and how living creatures display optimal design. It discusses cosmology, including the Big Bang theory, multiverses, etc. It discusses biology, including the complexity of life and the difficulties with the commonly-accepted theories of evolution and abiogenesis. It discusses the evidence both for and against evolution. At the end, Dr. Richter shares his own life story, including his career of developing Explorer I (USA's first satellite) and how he became a Christian in his 40s.
    The book has a perfect balance of concise information and readability, with a few stories and pictures thrown in too. It might be slightly too science-oriented for some, but it is perfect for anyone interested in science/engineering/tech/biology. It is great to read for learning more information, and great to give away to others.

    God's Crime Scene, by J. Warner Wallace
    Wallace, former detective, takes a "crime scene" approach to looking at the evidence for God's existence, such as the fine tuning of the universe and the existence of objective morality. The book is very easy to read, and has great clear lay explanations of the latest quantum physics arguments and how they relate to the debate (e.g. can things pop into existence spontaneously out of 'quantum vacuum'? Did Stephen Hawking's imaginary time remove the need for the universe to have a beginning?) He agrees with William Lane Craig's explanations. On the down side, he accepts a multi-billion-year-old universe and evolution, like Craig. Possibly useful (with caveats) for some people (e.g. atheists).

    Escape from North Korea, by Melanie Kirkpatrick
    This book tells about the underground railroad of people helping North Koreans escape their country. It is very well researched and documented, and very well written. It presents many facets of the issues and is very informative. It has many testimonials from North Korean refugees. It is a bit dated now, since it was published in 2012, but is still very worth reading.

    Hope Heals, by Katherine and Jay Wolf
    This is the true story of a couple who experienced a terrible medical tragedy, a brain stroke. They together (back and forth) write about their experience, and how God and their family/friends sustained them through it. It is powerful and beautiful - well worth reading.

    Mideast Beast, by Joel Richardson
    This book presents more of the Biblical side of the prophecies about the Antichrist and the end times. As presented in his old article "Will Islam be our future?" (http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/JR/Future/index.htm ), Richardson believes that the end-times government described in the Bible will be a Muslim government, a renewed Caliphate/Ottoman empire. This book answers objections that people have presented to his view (i.e. from people who believe in a renewed Roman empire as the end-times government) He presents many interesting and persuasive interpretations of the relevant Bible passages, including Daniel, Revelation, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah, etc. His conclusion is that we should love Muslims, by seeking to bring the gospel of Christ to them and show them the way out of the darkness of Islam.

    The Great Omission, by Steve Saint
    The main point of this book is that western missionaries should seek to help the people with whom they are ministering become self-sufficient in terms of financing, leadership (especially church leadership), missions-sending, and technological skills. Missionaries should 'work themselves out of a job' in a particular place, empowering the indigenous church and local community to become self-sufficient and sending out other missionaries. It presents excellent points, although it gets a little like a 'rant' occasionally. Worth reading.

(I use 'tags' and 'categories' almost interchangeably... see below)

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