October 24, 2018

  • Opportunity

    Great article by Adam Ford! https://www.christiandailyreporter.com/cdrticle-what-an-opportunity.html

    Full re-post:
    "In today's exceedingly polarized and angry political climate, what an opportunity we have as Christians.

    As warring factions fight in the streets, bombs are planted in mailboxes, poisons are mailed to government officials, rocks are chucked through office windows, racist robocalls are circulated, politicians and their families are chased from restaurants, and parts of cities fall to manic mobs, what an opportunity we have to season our convictions with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

    As social media and click-bait websites intoxicate the masses with fleeting dopamine hits as rewards for "owning" one's foes, what an opportunity we have to care deeply about policy and social issues not out of resentment or self-importance, but as a outgrowth of our love of neighbor and care for our fellow man's physical and eternal well-being.

    As political camps, drunk on ideology, proceed to hate, curse, and wish ill upon each other, what an opportunity we have to be willing to discuss our beliefs in a civil manner, attempting to persuade using reason, logic, and grace; firmly, yet with broken hearts and love in our eyes.

    As politicians and their armies on all sides will increasingly do or say anything -- anything -- to accrue power, what an opportunity we have to refuse to compromise truthfulness or bear false witness.

    As groupthink-fueled tribes and their echo chambers become more deeply entrenched, what an opportunity we have within the body of Christ to exhibit our dedication to each other as paramount by disagreeing with one another on politics with care and affection -- not as the world does, but as fellow members of the royal priesthood and siblings in God's eternal family, in a way that might manifest Christ's words in front of unbelievers: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

    As our culture increasingly worships politics, what an opportunity we have to show that our politics are subservient to -- and an overflow of -- our worship of the One True God and the life He has called us to live in Jesus Christ.

    These are unique and furious times, and you and I are not here by accident.

    What an opportunity we have."

(I use 'tags' and 'categories' almost interchangeably... see below)

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