February 24, 2017

  • Is Genesis History?

    "Nothing in the world makes sense except in the light of Genesis" -- Del Tackett, Is Genesis History (movie), 2017 (isgenesishistory.com)
    "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" -- Theodosius Dobzhansky, American Biology Teacher, 1973

    Both of these men are saying that one needs a "meta-narrative", a "big-picture framework", into which to fit all of the other factoids provided by science, theology, philosophy, morality, etc.


    Science (e.g. raw scientific results) is not sufficient... it needs a story into which to fit the results, making them understandable. Thus, neither Evolution nor Creation are "falsifiable" in the strict Popperian sense. They each have explanatory mechanisms to fit inconvenient data.

    However, since these two ultimate worldviews contradict each other (in my opinion), it is extremely important to ascertain which is the more comprehensive... and which one fits the evidence better.

    The movie "Is Genesis History" is excellent! Well worth watching... It presents a nice overview of the basic categories of evidence, and the gist of why the evidence we see around us contradicts the theory of Evolution and supports the literal interpretation of Genesis, regarding the origin of life and the universe.

(I use 'tags' and 'categories' almost interchangeably... see below)

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