
  • BBT problems

    Fun and accurate little article on the problems with the Big Bang theory ...


  • DNA the computer program

    Nifty! A computer programmer looks at DNA and finds it to be "amazing" code.


  • Junk DNA?

    Here's a great review article on alleged "junk DNA" and on what modern biology is discovering about the genome, and how it contradicts Darwinism.


  • Review of Theistic Evolution book...

    Here is a helpful book review, of a recent book about theistic evolution. The review touches on many ways that evolution is not compatible with the Bible.


    For more fascinating news related to creation, check out these links about fruit flies https://crev.info/2018/09/design-fruit-fly/ and lizards that can change their own skin color in a week https://crev.info/…/lizards-pre-programmed-adapt-coloration/

  • Ultrafast

    Stalactites show that earth's magnetic field reversals can happen "ridiculously quickly"... great article, showing another aspect of how the Bible's history matches the scientific evidence and how evolutionary/old-earth scientists were mistaken for decades about something considered to be scientific fact.

    For more on this topic, see:

  • Tim Keller on evolution...

    Tim Keller:
    “The process of evolution, however, understands violence, predation, and death to be the very engine of how life develops. If God brings about life through evolution, how do we reconcile that with the idea of a good God? The problem of evil seems to be worse for the believer in theistic evolution”.

    Fascinating article about Tim Keller's (current) theological blind spot. May he see the truth!

  • fast ice buildup

    A WWII aircraft that crashed in Greenland 76 years ago has just been found... under 300 feet of ice!

    Some people claim that ice core data shows that the earth is millions of years old. But this news refutes that. From the article-
    "Evolutionists and other long-agers often say that ‘the present is the key to the past’. In that case, the 3000-m-long ice core [brought up by the joint European Greenland Ice-core Project (GRIP) in Greenland in 1990–1992] would only represent some 2,000 years of accumulation. Allowing of course for compression of lower layers, (which is also offset by the inevitable aftermath of a global Flood, namely much greater precipitation and snowfall for a few centuries) there is ample time in the 4,000 or so years since Noah’s day for the existing amounts of ice to have built up—even under today’s generally non-catastrophic conditions."

    These "layer" dating methods have similar problems... multiple ice layers can be laid in short succession by storms, multiple tree rings can be created per year by drought/rain cycles at certain altitudes, etc. The actual scientific evidence turns out to be very consistent with the Bible's history...

  • book reviews

    Here are some recent reviews.  For more, see this link: http://tim223.xanga.com/category/book-reviews/

    Spacecraft Earth, by Henry Richter and David Coppedge
    This book summarizes information from many different domains of science, related to how Earth is optimized for life and how living creatures display optimal design. It discusses cosmology, including the Big Bang theory, multiverses, etc. It discusses biology, including the complexity of life and the difficulties with the commonly-accepted theories of evolution and abiogenesis. It discusses the evidence both for and against evolution. At the end, Dr. Richter shares his own life story, including his career of developing Explorer I (USA's first satellite) and how he became a Christian in his 40s.
    The book has a perfect balance of concise information and readability, with a few stories and pictures thrown in too. It might be slightly too science-oriented for some, but it is perfect for anyone interested in science/engineering/tech/biology. It is great to read for learning more information, and great to give away to others.

    God's Crime Scene, by J. Warner Wallace
    Wallace, former detective, takes a "crime scene" approach to looking at the evidence for God's existence, such as the fine tuning of the universe and the existence of objective morality. The book is very easy to read, and has great clear lay explanations of the latest quantum physics arguments and how they relate to the debate (e.g. can things pop into existence spontaneously out of 'quantum vacuum'? Did Stephen Hawking's imaginary time remove the need for the universe to have a beginning?) He agrees with William Lane Craig's explanations. On the down side, he accepts a multi-billion-year-old universe and evolution, like Craig. Possibly useful (with caveats) for some people (e.g. atheists).

    Escape from North Korea, by Melanie Kirkpatrick
    This book tells about the underground railroad of people helping North Koreans escape their country. It is very well researched and documented, and very well written. It presents many facets of the issues and is very informative. It has many testimonials from North Korean refugees. It is a bit dated now, since it was published in 2012, but is still very worth reading.

    Hope Heals, by Katherine and Jay Wolf
    This is the true story of a couple who experienced a terrible medical tragedy, a brain stroke. They together (back and forth) write about their experience, and how God and their family/friends sustained them through it. It is powerful and beautiful - well worth reading.

    Mideast Beast, by Joel Richardson
    This book presents more of the Biblical side of the prophecies about the Antichrist and the end times. As presented in his old article "Will Islam be our future?" (http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/JR/Future/index.htm ), Richardson believes that the end-times government described in the Bible will be a Muslim government, a renewed Caliphate/Ottoman empire. This book answers objections that people have presented to his view (i.e. from people who believe in a renewed Roman empire as the end-times government) He presents many interesting and persuasive interpretations of the relevant Bible passages, including Daniel, Revelation, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah, etc. His conclusion is that we should love Muslims, by seeking to bring the gospel of Christ to them and show them the way out of the darkness of Islam.

    The Great Omission, by Steve Saint
    The main point of this book is that western missionaries should seek to help the people with whom they are ministering become self-sufficient in terms of financing, leadership (especially church leadership), missions-sending, and technological skills. Missionaries should 'work themselves out of a job' in a particular place, empowering the indigenous church and local community to become self-sufficient and sending out other missionaries. It presents excellent points, although it gets a little like a 'rant' occasionally. Worth reading.

  • One in a million

    Scientists just learned that our genetic code (DNA -> amino acids) is the most optimal and efficient of all possible codes (they checked a million other possibilities). Frameshift errors tend to produce either synonymous AA's or AA's with similar polarity.
    What an awesome designer God is! (and how pathetically impossible it would be for random chance to make such an amazingly robust and optimal code!)

    Geyer R, Madany Mamlouk A. (2018) On the efficiency of the genetic code after frameshift mutations. PeerJ 6:e4825 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4825


    Statistical and biochemical studies of the standard genetic code (SGC) have found evidence that the impact of mistranslations is minimized in a way that erroneous codes are either synonymous or code for an amino acid with similar polarity as the originally coded amino acid. It could be quantified that the SGC is optimized to protect this specific chemical property as good as possible. In recent work, it has been speculated that the multilevel optimization of the genetic code stands in the wider context of overlapping codes. This work tries to follow the systematic approach on mistranslations and to extend those analyses to the general effect of frameshift mutations on the polarity conservation of amino acids. We generated one million random codes and compared their average polarity change over all triplets and the whole set of possible frameshift mutations. While the natural code—just as for the point mutations—appears to be competitively robust against frameshift mutations as well, we found that both optimizations appear to be independent of each other. For both, better codes can be found, but it becomes significantly more difficult to find candidates that optimize all of these features—just like the SGC does. We conclude that the SGC is not only very efficient in minimizing the consequences of mistranslations, but rather optimized in amino acid polarity conservation for all three effects of code alteration, namely translational errors, point and frameshift mutations. In other words, our result demonstrates that the SGC appears to be much more than just “one in a million”.

  • Sam Harris stumbles upon some truth

    Good quote from atheist Sam Harris: "The true fault-line in our culture runs between those who believe that there is such a thing as truth and those who believe that there are only expedient lies."
    Related: Steve Fuller on "Post-Truth", knowledge as a power game... according to the worldview of our postmodern friends.

    By contrast, Jesus believed that truth is objective, and metaphorically claimed to be "The Truth"... "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
    "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." John 18:37

(I use 'tags' and 'categories' almost interchangeably... see below)

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